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Could I BE any more in love?
Mon. 10.24.05 - 5:35 p.m.

Feeling: happier than i've been in a LONG time
Listening: roommate setting up his 17" LCD down the hall (I'M SO JEALOUS)
Quote: When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them.. and call it love.

Yet another reminder why i love J:

Every time I call him on his cell and his voicemail picks up, i have to listen to his long, drawn-out recording before i can finally leave my message. Most of the time i leave him a message to the effect of: "Jesus! Change your voicemail! gah! okcallmebackloveyoubye."

Keep in mind that we've recently gotten HOOKED on Friends and quote from it all the time.

Today, I call his cell to see if he'd gotten off from work yet only to be greeted by his voicemail.. with the following message:

"Can I BE any busier?! Leave a message."

More evidence that we're just a couple of dorks that are meant to be together.


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