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the age old question
Tues. 06.07.05 - 2:54 p.m.


I just got back from San Diego yesterday morning. I had a blast while i was out there.. yet i find myself in a depression now.

I'm sure most people dread returning from a vacation.. but don't they usually feel a tad refreshed at the very least? I feel like i never left. I'm tense, anxious, stressed.. i have moments where i can "shake it off" but the sadness slowly creeps back in and i find myself pondering on places to hide. I got out of the shower earlier and caught myself having thoughts of moving back to hawaii. Could i do it? Would i be so much more miserable than i am now? What would i do there?

There are so many reasons for why i'm stressed. But there are so many reasons why i should be happy and grateful. What's wrong with me?


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