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It's Official. I've Got Keys!
Sun. 02.15.04 - 7:23 p.m.


long day.

I went to SF this morning to drop off some things and pick up my key.

YAY! i have keys! it's official. =)

Kinda scared as hell now. ugh.

hehe.. when i got there the girl roommate wasn't in, but the guy opened the door for me. Apparently he was still sleeping when i got there at 11. He seemed a little out of it.. not as super-friendly as i remember, but i figured he was tired after all so i didn't take it to heart. Told him to go back to bed while i unloaded my car and brought my things into.. *MY NEW ROOM!!*

After leaving the place, i went to..

GUESS! (no not the clothing store silly, i mean take a guess at where i went!)


Ok so i'll tell you. L&L Drive Inn.


Would i joke about something like that?! hehe seriously, i was online last night, craving food from Hawaii when i came across this site that listed locations for L&L in Cali. I was like 'WHAT?! They have them HERE?!' and immediately went to their official site to confirm. dammit they have them ALLL over Cali! And this location is about a 10 minute drive away from the house i'll be living in.

Say it with me! OH. MY. GOD.

I ate a loco moco.. and bought chicken katsu for dinner. =) mmmmm.

I think i enjoy food way too much sometimes. But it's yummy and worth it so BLAH. =)

I did really good with driving to SF i think. and it was fun.. though i was kinda antsy in the car. Felt bored. Normally i'm fine by myself, but i dunno. Guess i just have a lot on my mind and if i'm in the car just driving, it only leaves me to my thoughts.. which might lead me to freaking out.

As a side note, in order to truly appreciate the song "Someday" by Nickelback, it must be cranked as high up as possible without causing your eardrums permanent damage. [please note that should one decide to try this, it is solely your decision and i assume no responsibility for damaged eardrums]

When i got home, hehe i couldn't find my keys and the spare apt key wasn't on the ring with my car key.. so i actually had to climb through the window. How ghetto is that? hehe.. what's sad is that i was able to get through the window. i mean, that just means that someone else could do the same, you know? scary thought. And what's even worse (or maybe good for me at the time) no one even noticed (or if they did, paid no mind) to me climbing through my window to get into my apartment. hopefully i'll be fine for the next week and a half. Though with my luck, you never know. stupid oven decided to break on me yesterday. YES! just when the apt people are coming to inspect on Tues. curse my luck.

I was home for about 30 mins when the ex got here. I told him about getting my key so he said "so are you sure about this, then?" hehe.. my reply? "WELL, i have no choice any more. I'm doing it. And I'll try really hard because it's what i want. But if i can't do it, i guess i'll be in hawaii in two months." hehe

It kinda scared me how i'm not fearing that thought as much as i did before. Maybe cuz Mel tried to talk me into moving back so we could get a place together again. The thought was nice. She even said she'd move to Honolulu cuz she knows i'd want to at least be in a city. Have to admit the thought of living with her again made me happy. We had so much fun together.. but i guess all good things must come to an end. Yeah.. i really do miss having her and Desh around. *sigh* But i realize i need to do this. That was then, this is now. I WANT to make this work. I need to prove to myself that i can do it, you know? I'd hate myself if i couldn't. I just think it's a good thing though that i'm able to think about the possibility of having to go back to Hawaii and not feel the need to palu. =)

I got an email from the roomie after i had been home for a while.. to say sorry for this morning, thank me for coming by and to say that he hoped he hadn't inconvenienced me. HOW CONSIDERATE IS THAT?! seriously, i really think these roommates are going to be awesome. at least i hope. god i hope i don't find a way to screw it all up. can you tell i'm scared? blah.

So i've been cleaning and such since i got home. I took some pics of furniture that i'm trying to get rid of (i know, FINALLY) and posted them online. I did a stupid thing though.. this guy emailed me about my entertainment center. So i called him and during the conversation he just annoyed the hell out of me. He was a total rude arse to me. Fuqer. I can't stand rude people. Just no tact either. blahh so anyways, after 50 million questions and him making me measure the unit THREE TIMES (no, even twice wasn't enough) he goes "ok so what's your address?" I was a little hesitant with just giving out my info like that so i said "does that mean you want it?" and he just got all jerky on me. blahh so i just shut up and gave him my address. after i hung up i realized i shouldnt' have done that. blahh i'm so naive sometimes. I'll just have to make sure the ex is here when/if the guy shows up tomorrow.

I seriously NEED to toughen up super-fast before i move to sf.

All in all a good day though.

My roses smell so pretty. =)


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