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Frat Boys
Sun. 02.01.04 - 3:54 p.m.


hehhee.. i love my friend jen. she cracks me up.

SO she's here at work with me today.. not to work, but to scrapbook cuz apparently there's a superbowl party at her house (her boyfriend and his frat friends have taken over). SO anyways, she asked me if i could do something with her after work cuz she didn't wanna go home.

Jen: Hey, how about first we go back to my house and grab some food. There's pizza and hot dogs and chips and all kindsa stuff.

Me: uhhh... no thanks. heh

Jen: aww why not?

Me: cuz... i don't wanna see any frat boys. hehh.. i feel uncute today.

Jen: Have you SEEN frat boys?!

Me: uhm.. no.

Jen: Yeah, they're not cute. So it's all good.

hehe.. good times, good times.


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