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A Promise is a Promise
Wed. 01.28.04 - 1:16 a.m.


Here's the entry i promised you!

So i got lost this morning, did i tell you that already? hehe yeah that was part of my reason for being late to PP to set up for my class. Anyways, after i got home from work i was able to freshen up, gather my supplies and squeeze in a few minutes to chat with John. It's weird.. i think it's only been two days but it feels like i haven't talked to him in forever.. funny how he's become a part of my daily routine within the past month (months?) hmm. wow i guess it's months now or something. Anyways, the past few days have felt like a lifetime.. i'm loving being busy, as i always do. But i do also miss being able to just have a second to myself. I also haven't been able to take care of any pre-moving things. Ugh, and it's getting down to the wire here.

But i digress.

So i got outta the house on time but in typical hamako fashion i got the bright idea to take the freeway (and not my typical route via side streets). And well, you guessed it. The freeway was jammed. Figures, right? Seeing as how I was crunched on time and all. blah but i was able to make it to PP by 6:45 p.m... my class started at 7 p.m. so i was fine. At first i was super nervous and felt like a dork.. i'm so sure it showed. But after a while, i loosened up, got more comfortable and i think everyone realized that.

They were so nice and kept complimenting me. hehe.. one lady said that she was going to steal my layout and submit it to a scrapbook magazine under her name. hehe. sadly, i wasn't offended in the least. i was completely flattered. hehe.. and this other lady asked me if i work for SEI (a big-time scrapbook company). hehe.. yeah, the compliments kept coming all night. I made about $220.. but after i paid for the supplies i walked away with $175. Not bad for two hours. It was fun. OH! and one of the girls that works there.. i found out that she lives in SF.. not too far from Nob Hill. When i told her that i'm actually in the process of moving there, she said we need to go out for coffee sometime.. She's always been cool. The thought that i actually now know someone who lives in the city is exciting even though i'll probably never see her outside of work. oh, and i signed up to teach a class at the end of Feb.. give me time to move and stuff. Hopefully i'll have found something (if i don't get the other place) and moved in by then. Trying not to stress on that at the moment, though.

So after I got home tonight and my friend cancelled on me, Jim and i were talking about how we were hungry. He suggested i bring him nachos from taco bell. I figured hey, why the hell not since he also needed some empty boxes from me, and he still has a movie for me that i've been wanting to borrow. It's so funny that he lives 7 minutes away and i haven't seen him in i think 2 years. How weird is that?! heh It was cool though.

I think there's more i have to write but i don't remember.. hopefully i'll think of it tomorrow. I need sleep.


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