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It's Settled: I'm No Longer Settling
Sat. 01.03.04 - 1:55 p.m.


Was it not just a week ago that i said it was my last day at work? Apparently I lied. Ugh. I'm stuck at work again today.. turns out my boss needed someone for a few days in January.. and obviously i'm not really doing anything 'cept sittin' 'round at home packing and looking for a job.. might as well hang out at the store during my free time, scrapbook, and get paid to do it.

I think that's what i'll miss most about this place. The fact that essentially, i get paid to do what i love.. scrapbook. And not to sound full of myself or anything, but i'm not too shabby at it. To top it off, i know this store like the back of my hand. Ask me if we have something that'll fit with the page you're working on and i can not only tell you exactly which rack it's on, but the company that makes it.. and sometimes even the first five numbers of the SKU.

Yeah, i'm anal on so many levels..

SO anyways, yeah.. i'm going to miss working in an environment like this. Seriously, when I stopped working at Mitsubishi, where I was holed up 9+ hours a day in a cubicle, and started working here.. i swore i'd never work in an office again. ugh. But i need to go back on my word now.. because seriously, i need to live in SF.


I want to live in SF, therefore i need to live there. I feel really good at the thought that i'm not going to hold myself back anymore. I wanted to live there from the moment i saw the city up close four years ago.. but just settled with the thought of never living there because my ex hated the city. I find it so odd at a lot of the things i held myself back on.. but was willing to settle because i loved him. Don't get me wrong, it's not his fault in the least.. i just can't help but be disappointed in myself. That it took me so long to realize that it's not okay to settle.. especially if it's something that you really want and will benefit from as a person. Everyone keeps telling me "hey, at least you figured that out now before it was too late.." If they only knew how close it came to being "too late."


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