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The One Where I Write Back
Sat. 01.03.04 - 12:03 a.m.


So... I caught up on a lot of correspondence today.


Some, i'm not so sure i should have sent..

Top on the list was well, *him* of course.. blahh i'm such a wimp sometimes. I missed him.. and i used the excuse of wishing him a Happy New Year. I'm sure he saw right through it though.. yeah, i know. pathetic. blahh

Know what's weird? I'm finding myself craving chocolate. ugh. I HATE chocolate. blahh is this not a typical post-losingaguy symptom or what? hehe..

But I digress.

I replied to an e-mail from my best friend who wrote about two weeks ago, but i just never got around to replying to. I don't know why i put off replying.. because once i did, it felt good to get some things off my chest that i'd been holding back.. and it was even better to get a reply from her.. ugh. How is it that she always knows just what to say? My friends are all wicked awesome that way though. They rock. =)

One of the letters I sent out today though, was a long time in the making. It was actually for a friend that i haven't talked to in about two years. The thing is, i don't know why we haven't kept in touch.. he e-mailed me once with his new email address, but i never replied.. or followed up. Couple months ago, i found myself wondering whatever happened to him.. i tried the e-mail but it bounced back. I did have a mailing address for him, but i wasn't sure if he still lived there.. however, i thought i'd give it a shot. One night i wrote a letter, put it in an envelope, even put a stamp on it.. but somehow, it just sat on my desk.. for months. Every couple days i'd see it, but for some odd reason.. i never mailed it. I don't know.. maybe it's because i was afraid that it would be returned, that he wasn't at that address anymore.. or he just didn't want to keep in touch.

We were great friends once upon a time, nothing romantic or anything like that.. we just spent a lot of time chatting online and on the phone. You see, we met eachother online.. managed to keep in touch for about 5 years. I remember i was 17 when we met, and he was in the army at the time, studying to become an EMT. lol There's a funny story that i'm remembering now..

I was still living in Hawaii at the time, and one day in the middle of some conversation about island life, he joked that i should send him a coconut. 'Course i'm sure he never expected me to really send him one.. haha but i really am that goofy.. and there's quite a few tourist shops that offer coconuts for sale that tourists can write on with markers and send to loved ones.. just like a postcard. hehe SO imagine one day, (he's in the army, mind you) he gets a notice that he has a package. Goes to pick it up.. and gets handed a coconut! hahaha We laughed about that for so long.. last i knew he still had it.. used to play football with it in his room at the base. hehe.. that's always a fun story to remember. but anyways, i'm rambling. So I finally mailed the letter today and I guess i'm hoping i hear from him, because i think i goofed up on that one.. he was a great person.

Funny how i've been lucky enough to meet quite a few great people in my lifetime.. yeah, i guess i'm luckier than i realized. =)

I hope he writes back. Hell, I hope they all write back.. even Ethan. Maybe even especially him.


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