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The One Where I'm Too Busy to Eat
Fri. 01.02.04 - 1:22 p.m.


I'm so proud of myself! I have been very productive today!

I sent out about 20+ copies of my resume today! hehe.. hopefully i'll get at least one response.. ugh i'm starting to really stress about finding a job. I think i'm going to have to come up with a Plan B soon..

I'm also in the process of sending out either an email or a card to every friend i know (This was one of my resolutions for the new year).

I'm starving. If my memory serves me right, all i've had to eat in the past 48 hours is a can of soup and some triscuits.

blah i need to go grocery shopping. Once i've done that, maybe i can work on actually EATING the food before it goes bad..


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