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Reality TV Junkie
Tues. 12.30.03 - 8:56 p.m.


i don't care what anyone says.. reality tv humors me still. hehe

i just watched an episode of The Simple Life with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie for the first time. All i could do as i sat there with my mouth open.. is well, sit there with my mouth open. Seriously, they got jessica simpson beat in the dumb blonde category. At least i could learn to like jessica simpson. but ugh. these two girls are just annoying. Nicole's a slut and Paris is self-absorbed. I have to admit though, i laughed hard at the scenes at Sonic Burger. Their job was to change the sign out front to say "Half Price Burgers all day" but they changed it to "Half Price Anal Weiner Burgers.." (somethinladat). hehehe.. yes yes.. stupid.. but the reaction of everyone around them was hilarious. haha then as punishment, the manager made the two girls dress up in sonic costumes (giant milkshakes), stand on the street corner and wave to passing cars. Have to tell you though, much less waving and more flipping people off. CLASSY.

I SO want to watch the Apprentice. People behaving immaturely in a business enviroment.. definitely going to serve its purpose of amusing me. hehe

OOOH! and i just saw the commercial for the premier of Americal Idol 3. ahhh i can't wait!

Yes, i know.. i really can't afford to lose anymore brain cells by watching this stuff, but it's so much fun!


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