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Confessions of a Closet Organizer
Fri. 12.19.03 - 3:18 p.m.


I've had way too much time on my hands today..

Picture this: A huge walk-in closet, way too many clothes, and a girl obsessed with organization.

I assure you.. it was a rare moment. ok maybe i'm lying and i do this often. but but but.. i haven't done it in a while, i swear.

I just spent 20 minutes organizing/straightening the clothes hanging in my closet so that they looked "all nice and neat." Maybe that doesn't sound too bad yet.. but let me tell you, i'm actually quite anal about it all. hehe.. It's a sickness, really.

First, lets start with the hangers.. they all need to not only be the same color, but also the same style/brand so that they all look exactly alike. and none of that wire-hanger crapola. oh yeah, and i can sometimes be caught spacing out the hangers so that they're exactly the same space apart. i swear i'm not making this up.

Onto the clothes.

they need to all be facing the same way. None of that laziness about hanging it any which way, so when they're hung, the front of one shirt is facing the front of the shirt in back of it. It goes without saying that the clothes are all sorted by style first, then color, then length. All tee's, tank tops, sweaters, dressy stuff.. they all have their own section. My stuff is organized, but it's even worse when it comes to my ex's side of the closet. hehe.. I think i take the most pleasure out of organizing his side because it seems to have a more powerful visual impact once it's all organized. Basically he has three types of clothes: t-shirt, collared shirt, and sweater. Women's clothes have too many styles/lengths/colors to look as organized as a man's.

The odd thing is, my dresser drawers are a mess! Mostly cuz i only use it for underwear, pj's and clothes that i only wear around the house.. they don't need to be ironed so they all just get thrown in their appropriate drawers. hehe.. seriously, it's funny though how messy it is.. along with the fact that while i throw my clothes into my drawers, i used to always fold my ex's stuff for him (don't do it now since we've broken up, although it's annoying the hell outta me not to fix it).

weird, i know. but i like my world that way. =)


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