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Squeaky Clean
Fri. 10.12.01 - 11:38 a.m.


Question. Why is it that you can be down to the last itty bitty piece of soap in the shower and the men in the house WILL NOT replace it?

Used-up soap will not be replaced by a new bar until the woman of the house changes it. It's a law of physics. This happens every single time the soap starts to run out at our house. But this time, I am determined NOT to change the soap. hehe. I wanna see how long this dime-sized piece will last.

I can't help but wonder- what happens to the itty bitty scraps of soap in other homes? Before living with HB, I never used up those tiny leftovers. As soon as the soap got to that point i'd replace it. The teeny scraps would lay in the soap dish and eventually disappear. I guess I assumed it was taken away by the soap scrap fairy.

But back to my story. It's been going on for the whole week now. This unspoken stand-off. Finally, this morning, I used the last piece. *gasp* WHATEVER WILL HE DO? hehe..


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