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Sat. 09.16.00 - 9:44 p.m.


WOW over a whole year since i've written in here. A lot has happened this past year, the biggest being that I moved to San Jose, California. Yep, the capital of SILICON VALLEY! Here's a pic of me and my best friend at the airport the day I moved here:

I moved here in October 99 and there hasn't been a day that i've regretted it. However, i DO miss hawaii and my family and friends. I haven't had the chance to go back home to visit yet, although i'm trying to plan a trip there before the end of this year. Ticket prices are really crazy this time of year though.. it would cost me about a thousand g's to go back home and as a college student, i REALLY regret having to pay that much money for anything. But this IS worth it i guess. heh.. so we'll see what happens.

I have a funny story for you. I moved here about a week before Halloween. So the first real outing that we had was on Halloween night. Y decided to take me to San Francisco. I LOVE SAN FRANCISCO. It's everything I dreamed living in California would be.. and more. But anyways, so just imagine this, ok? I'm a small town girl, and seeing San Francisco for the first time is an event in itself.. but the place he took me I guess it was an old hangout of his, don't ask me why.. So we find parking on some street and start walking towards some club.. i notice there's a crowd of people outside. I guess this place is jammin. I notice the sign "Asian Rainbow Cafe" what the hell? haha not only was it a gay club, it was an asian gay club.. lol it was so cool though. And those people standing outside the club? apparently a fight broke out just before we got there so the cops came to break it up and everyone decided they'd escape the madness. We ended up going in anyway. Turns out Y knew the guy working the bar that night, so he sat down and chatted with us for a few hours. All in all a great first mainlandish experience. lol i'm sure i'll be talking about this one for a long time...

love and aloha


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